If you are a student, and will be entering the job market in couple of years, then read on the article below to get an idea of some of the some best career paths, especially if you are a female student aspiring for offbeat jobs.
You need not to remain abiding by the traditional opportunities available. Stand out of the clutter and don’t go with the flow. Choose a profession which is unique in its form. As against the old engineering, doctor and teaching job profiles, women today have plenteous other options to cherry pick. It’s never bad to be off the wall; in fact it augments one’s personality and boosts confidence.
Barring all stereotypes, there are many untrodden paths that offer promising future and a chance to prove oneself. So shrug off the old cloak and take up offbeat careers offering high monetary incentives.
Why take up an Unconventional Job?
People are running a rat race when it comes to traditional jobs. Cut-throat competition to scale up the ladder leaves no personal space, making life a dark room with nothing exciting and exuberant. A large number of aspirants appear for the interviews to make through to the big conglomerates. However, not all possibly get a chance to work with them but with offbeat jobs, an aspirant has better chances of selection as there is a dearth of professionals in these fields.
Unconventional jobs give you a chance to enjoy the difference of the road less travelled. Today’s generation doesn’t wish to work only for money, but for fun too. They aim to secure job opportunities which are widely tailored to suit their areas of interests and match their skills and proficiency. Earlier, the hobbies like painting, writing, listening to music etc were activities enclosed within the room boundaries, but the generation today have shaped their hobbies into promising career options.
It has been found that people in their 30’s and 40’s break away from their regular monotonous job profiles and take up the ones of their interest.
List of Unconventional Careers and Colleges that Can Help You Accomplish It:
If you have what it takes to reach to the top then why to remain confined to traditional careers? Why not to unbolt new opportunities and explore offbeat profiles.

Online Writing Jobs
Internet and technological advancement have helped the passionate writers to take up their writing hobbies a step ahead. Online writing careers are in vogue with several joining the nexus each day. Online writing jobs ensure flexibility of working hours.
Every company making their online presence looks for quality writers who can pool writing skills to generate adequate information for their webpages. Those who have a flair for writing can pursue a website writing job. Websites have varying requirements, so the writer can choose to do travel writing, academic writing or fashion blog writing among many other subjects.
Students willing to take up a career in this field need to be proficient in English. Those having a mass communication degree are preferred over degrees and diplomas in other domains.
Disc Jockeys
Metropolitan areas enjoy high demand for disc jockeys that have experience in the field. If you have a good collection of music, and hold interest in music composition, then disc jockey is a smart career to pursue. Several reputed colleges and universities provide DJ courses and ensure that students get huge exposure.
For example, students in India can take up diplomas in the field with institutes such as Gurukul Advances, C.I.N.E.M.A, Edit Works School of Mass communication, Ramoji Academy of Film and Television, Bright Brisk Talent Studio and Indira School of Communication.
Making a career in this field assures high salary offers to women. Many big hospitality organizations are looking for female professionals as they have humble personalities and are polite in greeting guests. These jobs have fixed working hours with complete safety and security. Sound protection measures are adopted by the organizations for their female employees. If you have an assertive personality, and looking for an unconventional job profile, then it can be one of the several options to consider.
Travel Guide
Dismiss run-of-the mill-career options if you wish to have a bright future. Gone are the days when men only could be travel guide professionals, as it was unsafe to interact with new sets of tourists each time. Explore new boundaries and research places to be a travel guide. This not only helps getting a foretaste of your favorite destinations, but also unfolds a chance to earn while you are living up your dreams. There are many institutes around the world that can help you in this career, and you can gain valuable experience with a tour operator to start your own venture.
Translator Jobs
Another top career for female students is translator jobs. All that is required is a little effort at the start of the career to gain command over one or more foreign language. Two languages that are high in demand are German and French while Spanish is not far behind. These profiles pay better salary packages along with other incentives as in travelling allowances, accommodation facilities and reimbursements for office expenses. Many institutes offer foreign language courses. Alliance, Goethe Institute, Sharda University, and ACE Academy of Languages in India are a few institutes offering language learning platforms to the students.
Risk in Unconventional Careers
Every coin has its two sides; exactly the same goes with unconventional jobs. With too many pros, they have some cons too. These jobs may prove to be profitable but also carry risk, especially in the initial stages. The most obvious risk involved is the loss of finance. The unconventional careers do not assure consistent flow of income at the start. They need efforts and time. You may encounter depressing situations and may lose interest. For example, a freelancing job may not ensure good return but help you earn enough to pay off expenses. Remember, an unconventional career path requires lots of nexus building. Networking really matters here. The more you interact with people, the better it is.
Another risk is failure. Before taking up an unconventional career, be prepared for the worse to come your way. It’s not really necessary that the general public may like what you offer. Despite all your research and market analyses, you may lose big but should not get disheartened. Don’t pay heed to the bad that happened, count the experience shared as it may help you learn and execute things in a different way, or indeed, the right way, in future.
Never forget that every business has a risk attached to it but the more you learn, the better it is. Moreover, the risk is not only restricted to unconventional careers, but stretches to conventional jobs too!
Subhadra Bhadauria is a passionate writer with leading educational site shiksha.com and apprises aspirants about unconventional career opportunities and list of colleges facilitating career building in the same. She has a Masters Degree in Mass Communication and engages herself in novel writings.
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