Considered working as a School Nurse? This interview will take you through the ups and downs you can expect in the position, what it takes to land the job, what you can expect to earn and more. it’s a common misconception to think of a school nurse as just someone who gets paid to spend all day putting Band-Aids on kids’ paper cuts. In reality there’s so much more to being a school nurse.
Retired Registered Nurse Shares Her Experience
Considered working as a Registered Nurse? This interview will take you through the ups and downs you can expect in the position, what it takes to land the job, what you can expect to earn and more. In this true career story, a retired registered nurse says, “It is my understanding that the nursing profession has improved dramatically and that the nurses are treated with more respect.”
Fired for Naming the Boss’s Girlfriend
This is a true career story as told to Patricia C:
“I have many stories in which I was unbelievably stupid, but for the sake of you, dear readers, I will narrow my embarrassing tales of confessional woe down to just one. My hope is that it saves someone else from committing professional suicide, as I so often do.”
From NASA Employee To Writer
Ever wondered what would it be like to be a writer? After having graduated from a computer school in Pasadena, California, I was offered a contract job as data analyst for NASA on the first Martian orbital mission – Mariner 9. Currently, I write articles for those in need of content for such things as: news releases, blogs, research, expositions, and thesis – whatever requires a writer.