It’s not easy spending all day at the computer sending out your resume to a huge number of companies. It really starts getting to you when you don’t hear anything back. Why does nobody want you? Are you good enough? You keep asking yourself those questions and you feel like giving up, but you can’t because you desperately want a job. You’re just in an unfortunate position because everyone is finding it hard to get a job nowadays.
You need to keep telling yourself you are good enough because it’s true. You know it’s true, but you just need to convince someone else to give you a shot. The main problem you have is not your lack of ability, but it’s that your resume doesn’t stand out. How can you expect anyone to give you a chance when it looks like they have better candidates to choose from? You need to do everything within your power to make your resume shine and we’re going to look at how you can do it.
1. Start volunteering with a charity

Instead of sitting around watching television all day, you should help out a local charity. What would you think if you read a resume and the person helped out those who were less fortunate? You would think they were a great person and you would want them to work for your company. If ten people all have the same qualifications, the one who volunteers would stand out amongst the rest. You only have to give up a few hours of your time per week for such an activity.
2. Take any job you can find

You have probably heard that it’s easier to find a job when you already have one. It’s true because people don’t know what to think of someone who sits around doing nothing instead of going out to work. Companies want employees who are proactive because it tells them what kind of person they are hiring. You need to take any job you can find, but if it’s still too hard to find anything, you can work for free and build up your skills.
3. Send out different resumes
It’s a big mistake sending out the same resume to every single company because it will be thrown straight in the trash. Look carefully at each job you want to apply for and find out what kind of person they are looking for. Learn about the kind of things you will be doing on a day-to-day basis. You can then alter your resume, so each one is specifically tailored towards each individual company. You’ll stand a much better chance of landing an interview by following this practice.
4. Have it professionally written
If you haven’t applied for a job in a long time, your resume might look outdated. It might have been good enough to land you a job years ago, but now you will have to step up your game. You can hire someone to help you write it again – only this time, it will look more professional. You don’t know what companies are looking for, but someone who helps people re-write their resumes everyday will have a much better idea of what they want.
5. Don’t hold anything back
Most people are too reserved when they write their resume. Do you think someone will think you’re too big-headed if you don’t hold anything back? You need to put yourself in the spotlight so, from now on, you should use your resume to show people how fantastic you are. You would want an absolutely fantastic person to work for your company. It’s not like you’re lying about what you can do. You’re just making sure people know you can do it.
Is anything jumping out at you?
Do you see where you’ve been going wrong? If everything you’ve read is new to you, it’s maybe the reason why you are finding it so hard to find employment. Think very carefully about everything we’ve discussed and make sure you give your resume an overhaul before you send it to anyone else.
Brad Cooper works for a top-notch Australian recruitment Company - In-Fusion. A veteran recruiter, he knows the ins and outs of what companies seek from candidates while shortlisting for an interview.
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