In the engineering field, it’s widely accepted that the public never thinks about what engineers really do until something goes wrong. While it’s true that every engineering specialty, from civil to aerospace, has seen its share of major failures, it’s often the fault of businesses that ignore the sound advice of their engineers and place a greater importance on profit.
Volunteer Opportunities for Nurses and Why They Matter
Are you working as a registered nurse to help people? Then you will enjoy volunteering. It may not make sense for every RN out there, but when you’re looking to build your skill set and acquire the experience that will get you hired, sometimes there are no short cuts. Embracing the humanitarian side of the profession you love can easily turn into something you thank yourself for later.
Five Ways HR Departments Attract the Best Employees
It can be difficult for human resource managers to attract the best employees and it’s important for them to sweeten the pot for potential employees. High salaries may attract applicants, but money isn’t enough to keep employees at their desks for years. Here are ways that today’s HR departments are recruiting and keeping employees.
The Top 5 Highest Paying Nursing Specialties
Hype or no hype, it’s a great time to be a nurse. The medical field is changing, and with a greater focus on technology, elder care, and providing for low-income patients, there are plenty of emerging areas where nurses can take on unprecedented roles. According to Scrubs Magazine, nursing is a profession that pays higher than average.
Where’s the Shortage? The Best Areas of Opportunity for Nurses
Most people are motivated to become nurses because of the desire to help people from all walks of life, but it definitely doesn’t hurt that the news has been filled with reports of a nursing shortage in recent years.This perception has led many men and women to believe that nursing will be a quick path to employment.